Credit cards give users more pros than cons and Indians have come to realize this over the past decade. With more card use now than ever before, the trend of using cards for any and every purchase is catching up. With convenient contactless payment in WiFi credit cards, credit cards offer you many facilities when you swipe them. Credit card reward points offer an impetus to applying for them and using them.
About Credit Cards & Credit Card Benefits
If you use your credit card judicially, it can give you a boost where your purchasing power is concerned. For one thing, you are never left stranded for cash in any emergency, and can pay with contactless means. Here are key credit card benefits that can see you through good times and bad:
- Cash Whenever You Want – A credit card offers you cash whenever you want it. Credit cards are accepted in almost every retail location, from paying for fuel to purchasing diagnostics.
- ATM Advantages – Your credit card gives you the benefit of using it as a cash card.
- Credit Line – Credit cards offer users an interest-free credit period, using it instead of dipping into savings. This period varies from type to type of card, but is typically around a month long. On flagship credit cards, it may be more.
- Credit Profile – Prudent use of credit cards (timely bill payment, etc.) increases your credit score, making your creditworthiness rise in the eyes of lenders.
- EMI Payments – Credit cards help you to buy your favourite big-ticket items in easy EMIs.
- Rewards – Several credit cards are need-based offerings that give you rewards in the form of points and cashback when you use them abundantly. You save a lot while you swipe cards.
You can find the best cards on Finserv MARKETS, and these are categorized according to benefits tied to cards.
About Credit Card Bill Payments Offers
There are several ways to pay your credit card bills. The main aspect of hassle-free online payment means that you can pay bills in a timely manner. If you choose to pay your credit card bills via third-party portals like Mobikwik, Paytm, PhonePe, etc, you get specific credit card bill payment offers, like discounts and cashback. The following offers are available:
- On Paytm – From time to time, you get Paytm offers of cashback, with up to Rs. 1,000 cashback.
- On Mobikwik – You get a guaranteed rate of 1% SuperCash on your total credit card bill. This offer is on at certain times only.
About Credit Card Offers
The multitude of credit card offers come as reward points you earn while using the card at specific stores, and on some cards, everytime you swipe your card. Credit card reward points are redeemable against your future purchases and even against payment of your credit card bills. Banks and card issuers offer deals and gifts to encourage card users to use their credit cards for payments of all their utilities, groceries, fuel and the like. Different types of rewards and offers are available depending on the user’s spending behaviour.
Final View
Finserv MARKETS is the right place to find a credit card suited to your requirements, and one that gives you optimal benefits in the particular ways you use it.