Ways to keep track of customer satisfaction and increasing it

5 great ways to improve your customer satisfaction with Magento 2 ...

As a business owner, the satisfaction of your customers should be paramount to you. It is important that for every customer that patronize you, be it physically or online, you go out of your way to ensure that you properly meet their needs and that they are happy. When you do this, they would be happy that the money they paid was worth it, and they would be willing to inform other people about being reliable and professional. Their friends might also start to patronize you and when the friends are happy, some of their friend’s friends will also be informed about the business by the friend and the company will continue to grow. Here are some of the ways you can keep track of customer satisfaction and increase it.

Reviews platform
Reviews platform like BritainReviews is one of the options you might want to utilize when you want to keep track of customer satisfaction and increase it. You should look for reviews platform where you can confirm that your company is listed. If it is not listed, you can contact the reviews platform to help you to create your own review page. You can subsequently encourage satisfied customers to leave you reviews that will help other people to know that you are capable of delivering satisfactory services.

Contact us page on your website
You can have a contact us page on your platform where customers can contact you as well. You would be able to get messages from your customers who will write to inform you about their experiences with patronizing your company or ask questions. From the information you get through your contact page, you will be able to keep track of customer satisfaction and increase it. When customers write you that they are happy with the service you have provided, you can reply to them with links to online reviews platform where your company is listed that they should leave a review for you. If, on the other hand, they are writing to complain about an issue while patronizing you, you can respond to the issue and try to solve it.

Phone number
It is also important that you have a phone number that can be easily found on your website so that customers can reach you through the number. Whenever they have a complaint or when they are satisfied with your product, some customers prefer to call than to write to you. Hence, they will be able to call and inform you about the product or service they got from your company and if they were satisfied or not. Hence, you will get information about how satisfied the customer is and work towards making improvements where necessary.

Just like phone numbers, some customers might prefer to reach you through e-mail whenever they want to communicate with you. Hence, your email provides another platform through which customers can engage you about how satisfied they are with your services and ways you can serve them better.

Online surveys
You can use online surveys to know how happy your customers are with your products or services. There are at least 3 ways through which you can achieve this. You can patronize a paid online survey platform that would provide a survey with the questions that you have listed on their platform. The answer to the questions you have provided should be able to guide you in knowing how satisfied customers are with your products and services. The question should cover various areas including overall satisfaction, satisfaction with price, delivery, quality and customer service among others. Those who have patronized your company can then fill those online surveys and you will be able to know how satisfied customers are with patronizing you and how to improve. There are also online platforms that allow you to create your survey for free. They would also allow you to be able to monitor the answers from those who filled the survey. Another way you can use survey is to have another survey at the end of each completed order. The customers can fill in how they found your website, how easy it was for them to place orders, and other related questions. You would subsequently know how satisfied they were with ordering the process and if there are ways you can improve.

Review page on your website
For monitoring customer satisfaction, you could have a review page on your website. Those who have patronized you can fill the review form to let you know how satisfied they are with your service. While this would be a great way to monitor customer satisfaction and improve, it would not be the best ways to let others know what other customers have experienced patronizing you. They would feel since it is on your website, the reviews could easily be rigged to favour you. Hence, if you have a review page on your website, you should still have on some independent reviews platform as well. You can at the end of the review provide the link to those independent reviews to customers that have given you positive reviews.