Is your web site getting enough traffic? Would you like to have more visitors? Do you think you could make more money if your web site was more popular? I think if you were to ask webmasters the answers to these questions, you would find that many do want more traffic, and believe that they could make more money if they could get that extra traffic.
Although there are many different ways that web sites can be promoted, most webmasters who are struggling with traffic issues, would I expect emphasize search engine promotion. This is because they know that most people who surf the Internet begin at a search engine, and web sites that do well in search engines can get large amount of cost-free targeted traffic.
The question is what do you do to get more visitors from search engines?
Many webmasters seem to believe that the problem is that their web site simply hasn’t been submitted to search engines (or enough search engines). This is incorrect. Major search engines like Google or MSN (which are of course what most searchers use) will find you provided other web sites link to you, and will generally list provided you don’t engage in questionable marketing practices (like attempting to spam the search engine’s index, or linking to scummy sites). There’s simply no need to submit to these?
Does this mean you don’t need to submission software?
Well the truth is that you don’t need submission software, but there are certain types that you may find useful. The things, I am talking about are tools that you can use to submit to various specialist types of sites in order to gain more incoming links (“backlinks”) to your web site. The purpose of getting backlinks is two-fold: firstly, so that search engines find your site initially, and secondly, and more importantly in the long run, is the fact that some search engines take backlinks into account when ranking their results – sites with more backlinks may be listed higher in the results, and thus get more visitors from the search engine.
What kind of submission tools am I talking about?
1. Directory Submission Software – These are programs that submit your site to Internet directories (Internet directories are sites containing categorized lists of other web sites). While there are a few directories that may send significant traffic, the real goal here is to get lots of easy quick backlinks. As there are over a thousand Internet directories that accept submissions, this shouldn’t be too hard.
2. Article Submission Software – if you write an original article, you can potentially submit it to hundreds of different article directories. Each copy of the article in a different article directory, as well as copies in other sites that reprint the article, will usually contain a “resource box” which may contain a link to your site. You can see where this is going – writing and submitting articles is another method of gaining backlinks. The best part about articles, is you can write and submit another one whenever you want – do this on a regular basis, and you can get build up lots of backlinks.
3. Link Exchange Software – Link exchanges with other sites is one of the traditional ways to get backlinks on the web. It still works, but if done manually it can be a lot of hassle – you have to find sites to swap links with, submit to them, edit your own link page to contain a link back, and periodically check that each link partner is maintaining there link to you. Several different programs (such as OutRankSmart, SEO Elite and SEO Equalizer) which can facilitate this process.